媲美好多千元化妆水的Hacci 1912 Honey Lotion Hacci 1912老铺蜂蜜 贵妇蜂蜜保湿化妆水 黄金水 30ml/150ml HACCI
JPY¥3,398.00 – JPY¥12,000.00
金黄色的浓稠质地 满满的蜂蜜成分
脸部变得滑嫩有弹性 散发健康光泽
~Hinkaku is the Japanese word for dignity, style, and beauty. Without a doubt, a woman’s skin is one reflection of her Hinkaku. ~
- The skin care product of your dreams is finally here. We’ve combined high-quality honey with the latest in biotechnology to deliver the ultimate in elegance and beauty.
- Moisturizing Honey -HINKAKU- has a fresh, clean feeling and will spread evenly the moment it’s applied. It has a rich, creamy texture that coats the skin comfortably and absorbs quickly. It will give your skin a resilient elasticity, a healthy shine, and a sparkling aura.
- Product Description
1.Encounter with advanced biotechnology– HINKAKU – was born because honey and biotechnology met. Various amino acids are necessary to create a comfortable environment to raise the skin. Focusing on the balance of amino acids used also in the composition of the culture medium of the cell, it applied it to – HINKAKU -. We will arrange healthy disordered skin with daily damage and support to maximize the original beauty.
2.High combination of honey * to luxury. Texture that melts golden colorThe fresh texture of a golden golden color that realizes “honey”, because it has a truly confined honey itself with an optimal balance. HACCI We deliver unique high moisture honey power to the skin (stratum corneum) properly.
3.Combines beauty extract symbolizing Japanese beauty
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