海盐头皮磨砂膏150g Clayge Fresh Cleansing Head Spa 150g 客人高好评率产品





Product is available through backorders from Japan, estimated delivery dates: 10-20days. 该产品为代购产品/非现货,代购周期为10-20天。



Kevin凯文老师推荐的好用头皮护理磨砂产品,海盐头皮清洁跟平时用的洗发水以1:1比例混合, 清洗按摩头皮 微微的清凉感好舒服,海盐头皮spa本身的香味很清新 跟别的洗发水的味道不冲突。

洗完头发非常蓬松 油头皮的臭味彻底消失有木有!头皮屑和脱发都大大改善。

A new nature-inspired approach to haircare our invigorating scrub shampoo blends Japanese menthol salt crystals with haircare essence. Massage onto the scalp to help stimulate blood flow and whisk away impurities like dust smoke sweat and styling residue. This purifying scrub will make your scalp feel instantly refreshed help reduce build-up on hair and leave you feeling revitalised with a healthy-looking shine.

To use it, simply mix this product with your shampoo 1:1, massage onto scalp and then rinse off, following your favorite conditioner or other hair treatment products.


Additional information

Weight 280 g